As wood pieces we enter
shapeless and hopeless
Master picks up the pieces, carefully
etches and chisels out extra wood
Lo! alive emerges out a being
Standing on his own legs now
Confident and blissful
Ever enthusiastic unlike before
Now for some touch ups...
Applies a coat of clarity
Varnishes with some love and care
Sprays some paint of lightness
Places a crown of simplicity
What do we have now?...
Our potentials getting actualized
Radiating tirelessly the bliss within
Others smell it, and simply get attuned
to find themselves being led to their master!
shapeless and hopeless
Master picks up the pieces, carefully
etches and chisels out extra wood
Lo! alive emerges out a being
Standing on his own legs now
Confident and blissful
Ever enthusiastic unlike before
Now for some touch ups...
Applies a coat of clarity
Varnishes with some love and care
Sprays some paint of lightness
Places a crown of simplicity
What do we have now?...
Our potentials getting actualized
Radiating tirelessly the bliss within
Others smell it, and simply get attuned
to find themselves being led to their master!
Hi Ms. Nithya,
Went through your blogs. I appreciate your interest in spirituality at such a young age.
However, no offence intended but this is what I feel.
A spoon is meant to aid eating and not to be eaten. Similarly a guru is meant to help reaching God and not god himself.
I am afraid you are doing the same mistake that the Buddhists did in worshipping him as God.
Dear Ramanan, i appreciate you for going through the poems and putting across your view on it. thanx.
Well, what i meant by saying "being led to their master!" was this - that they'll be led to their inner guru, rather their inner intelligence.
An external guru is required until we are led to our inner guru...
A small analogy here: the stick that is used to burn the corpse is itself put into the burning fire at the end..so, the master is like this stick..that is used as a helping aid to take off and ultimately go beyond that too!
hope this has helped you.
Hi Nitya,
I don't discount that an external guru is needed for spiritual upliftment. Well, having said that there have been exceptions. This is just for sake of information and not a part of my arguement. Ramana Maharishi and Gautama Buddha did not have any gurus.
And if you enquire, you will find that there is no such thing as teachings of Ramakrishna, teachings of Ramana etc., It is basically "Truth" though different mouths. and the motivator is obviously the Supreme Reality.
Now, Guru is obviously worth being worshipped but definitely not as a physical person. But sadly today that is what is being happening in India.
Personally I have been inspired by Shankara, Ramakrishna, Bhagavan Ramana, and in the current times - an young person who gives religious discourses and a few others . They are venerable as my Gurus But it ends there. I don't have even have a picture of any of them anywhere nor am i attached to their activities.
And coming back to your analogy. It is wrong to counter argue with an analogy. But kindly allow me to do that just one step. It is true that the stick burns the corpse away. But one does not love that stick during his lifetime saying one day this is going to liberate my soul (pun intended) :-)
Nithyanandam Ramanan.
Thanks for your comments.. (I hope Atmashree doesnt mind me pitching in.)
And its nice to have a healthy discussion. You have a good point here. It is correct that we should have our focus not on the physical form of the Sadguru, as he is much more than that.
You mention in the 1st comment: "a guru is meant to help reaching God and not god himself." For me, currently, the Living Master/Guru is more real than any God. So, on that point, I totally agree that a Sadguru is not god, but much more than that! :)
In your second comment, you say: "I don't have even have a picture of any of them anywhere nor am i attached to their activities." Is that egotistical statement? Mind you, a Guru is needed just for that... to chop off the Ego. Once that's done, the realization happens that He and I are one! Until then, it's not wrong in keeping Guru on the pedestal, even in the physical plane.
In Nithyananda...
i havent seen god yet.so according to me there is no such thing as god.im rational.whoever i feel connected is god to me is god to me.mind that even shiva,krishna,jesus or any gods all these religions worships are all normal human beings who got enlightened and were later worshipped as god.So now u got it.Guru is the only god i know.
Having said all this there is one thing we should remember.It is really difficult to love somebody as just a human being.So loving guru as god is very simple to convince urself.But loving a guru as just a human being is something difficult to do and should be learnt.We really get the complete benefit from the guru when we c him as guru because there is no room to escape.You got to obey.Considering him as god is good but sometimes u might miss the full benefit since u always take god for granted.So u do the same here as well.
Yes, i totally agree with the comment above said. By and by, we take the Master also for granted, since he keeps showering on us and we begin to feel as if it is his duty to keep granting all the boons and wishes of people.
The sole purpose of a God landing as a Guru is to awaken the Guru in us..we need to be alert, aware and not keep missing the chances offered.
Ma Atmashree mentions: "By and by, we take the Master also for granted" ... That is why you need a living Master to bring you back to the present moment and not commit the past mistakes again. If you have one, you are assured that you will never be able to take him for granted. The moment you bracket him into a category, he will violate your definition of a Guru any time, giving a kick to your ego!
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