Friday, March 26, 2010

Stillness of Life !

At a medical school, I saw..
A body of a dead man
All around me were blades sharp,
Ready to cut him open bare and study...

Moving with life was he, a day before
Now, still & life-less on the table
Life do we all study;
With his stillness... What an irony !

Life's all about movement
Actions, activities & travel..
are we all fond of, while alive
Movement indeed is thought & emotion

Relate do we all in movement
All levels of relationships..
Be it with one's Self,
Or with another, or with Nature
All based on movements indeed

Does a zone of stillness exist?
While we're alive, not dead :)
Ceasing all movements..
Movements of thought, action & care
Can one relate or emote
From this zone of stillness ?

For this movement of life..
Is the movement of Stillness !
Is that so? .. think for yourselves ! :)