Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Comparison - The Green-eyed Monster

Every child born unique
Filled with potentials and talents
To express them is prime
Fulfillment to be touched
Being the only purpose of taking birth

On landing, blinded get we
By a green-eyed monster
His name being 'Comparison & Jealousy'
Fills the inner chambers of us
Strangling us to live else's desires

This needle of comparison may poke us
Deflated we fall and scramble
Let's forget not to soar high
As happy as a vivid bright balloon
Flying free, up in the blues

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Plea to taste the permanent

Bhakti, an emotion strewn across the planet
Its concept remotely perceived
The existence of devotion taken casually
Just greed and fear fueling it, alas

Having pondered over this
Lands me to an answer...

Impermanence of the worlds seen, outer and inner
Deep has its roots in our cells
Making the plea to that Intelligence
To lead our spirits to the permanent

Seeking for the understanding
Paves a platform for bhakti to flower
Devotion ripened with right knowledge
IS the one and only key to get there

May this urge get urgent
May this plea reach restlessness
May that Intelligence help us to taste the permanent
May all mortals taste their immortality!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Breathe Her before your last

Sun rises and so does the moon
We breathe in and out persistent

Casually gulping millions of air packets
Pushing time and life forward

Purpose of life misconstrued
Last breath when approached,
Scramble do we in vain for more

She very much lies in each inbreath, outbreaths too
Making us up on our toes is she ofcourse

A longing to breathe Her is prime
For if not, repentance are we left with

Intensity has it all, to taste Her spirit
Breathe Her before your last!
It's simple, She's right here....