Monday, September 14, 2009

The lovely cosmic play..

It existed, all Alone by itself
Filling Its Formless essence
A pure Being-ness was all It was
Struck upon a decision, sudden...

To enjoy Its essence in forms !

Mountains rose, rivers flowed
Creepers flowered, birds flew
Stood the animals, talked the humans

The play ground now all set;
It played & still plays on :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

O! Atman, a request to you!

O! Atma, O! consciousness..
listen to this jiva's plea

Why do you sport UN-aware ?
in a few waves of your ocean
and make your-self aware in a few others only

This disparity of Yours..
makes one live on convinced,
that He is This Eternal Immortal Consciousness!
While making the other dead while alive,
with him convinced that He is a mortal
Only leading to struggle inside & outside his frame

By You sporting un-aware in a few,
Only wastes Your time & his life here..
Grace them all with the awareness,
Of their True nature !

This is my sincere plea..
For it'll only do good to them,
and to the others around,
and to Your-self, as being the Creator

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Open out to your Heart !!

Some loving Being seated inside
Deep inside the caves of heart..
yet available every moment
Like a reliable friend, a beloved,
a mother, a teacher, a silent watcher

Listen to your heart
It's the heart that started working first
Then the brain and the others

Your heart has always something to say
Sit with it, open out to it!
For It alone knows..!

Live from your heart,
Live with your heart,
Live as if you are just the heart :)