Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Breathing the Divine

Unable to express the transformation within
Witnessing a new life in everything around

God, a mere concept to me
Until I met my Master

Experiencing the Divine expressing through me

Was pondering day in & day out;
What exactly is causing me relaxation, fullfilment

The answer popped out!
It was Divine Himself who had assumed a form;
A true living example
Makes one feel, ‘yes’, I too can get there!
That is the assurance my heart-soul is graced with

Though not physically present beside me
Can breathe Master’s presence every moment
Omnipresence, just a casually verbalized concept to many
Not anymore...it's time to open up and be alert, friend
His all-pervading nature presents before
In grandeur not imagined before.

1 comment:

strength ! said...

B e a u t i f u l !experience...