Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Invisible care.. always !!

विज्ञानावसितम् सर्वम् पश्यत्यान्तरचक्शुषा
करामलकवद्विश्वम् भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभु:

You be a non-contemplator
Be you an arrogant scientist
Have many degrees on your plate
Be a humble office-boy

Be you an intense seeker of the Truth
Be a heartless or gentle being
Be you a pundit in Vedas
Or know not to read a word

Be you a lazy zamindar
Be you a toiling farmer
All live on and ARE taken care...
By the Lord, the creator; the omniscient one

Takes care through His third eye
The invisible eye always alert & caring

A glaring difference surfaces evident

Being aware of this invisible care,
This persistent watchful eye
Is all that matters while alive.

Be aware, or unaware; yet..
You are taken care

Seek not the care, crave not for more
Seek only but Him,
The bearer of the 3rd eye
The alert motherly embracer of all !