Thursday, August 27, 2009

All are helped, no doubt..

Live on do we awaiting a new day daily
A new, fresh day is visualized all along

Steps do we climb higher
Deeper we delve every moment
Into our own Selves..

Helped are we always, in every little way
Existence; Her beauty lies in helping ALL

Indeed is a fool who feels he alone's blessed
Gets covered with masks of ego
Leading only to fanaticism & feelings of superiority

Anything one does, helps to get higher/deeper
Closer to one's own Self
Know from your heart that you are helped
All else are helped too

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What is that?

I know not what I'm asking for
I know not what I'm seeking
Your vision..? Your grace..?
Smooth life..? Peaceful death..?

But breaths keep visiting me
Keeping this body up & alive
Do I live on with a hope,
or the Divine lives in me with a hope?
..A hope that I soon realize 'I am that'

I touch objects, the ground, people
Yet am untouched

I know now, 'I am that'
I breathe on to live that truth
The drop knows of the ocean
But the ocean in this drop is seldom reminded of !